Adapting Learning for the Millennial Workforce
Author's Background
I am an Instructional Design and Technology graduate student at Fontbonne University and am slated to graduate Spring 2017. I am also a full-time instructional designer at Anthem Inc. where I act as an internal consultant providing learning solutions to better serve the needs of our members nationwide.
The final project consisted of choosing an instructor approved scenario and moving the scenario through the project management cycle; creating project documentation and producing a solution that encompassed new trends in instructional design. In addition to the project management aspect, we were required to follow ADDIE (analyze, design, develop, implement, evaluate) design thinking when producing our solution, which included devising a way to evaluate the effectiveness of the solution while adhering to both Universal Design principles and relevant copyright laws.
This goal of this project is to create an alteration playbook to guide our designers in the process of tweaking existing training materials to meet the needs of newer Company XYZ associates. This guide provides an overview of millennial characteristics, learning components that resonate with millennial learners, and will provide practical ways to reuse existing materials in a manner that meet the needs of today’s associates.

In addition to the playbook, I have included a microlearning that provides one idea for adapting lectures for a millennial workforce. I would love to have the opportunity to include more video's of this sort as an idea starter for each topic within the playbook.
How will I know if this is an effective solution to to the issue at Company XYZ, in addition to keeping an eye on the post course metrics, associates who use the resources can evaluate the content by using the survey created in Google Forms.
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Solodukhin, Alexander (Photographer). Unknown. Unsplash (Creative Commons Zero)
Eletu, Olu (Photographer). Unknown. Unsplash. (Creative Commons Zero)
Blaz, Corey (Photographer). Unknown. Unsplash. (Creative Commons Zero)
Iven, William (Photographer). Unknown. Unsplash. (Creative Commons Zero) (Photographer). Unknown. Unsplash. (Creative Commons Zero)